Meet the Team!

Welcome to our team page! This semester, we look forward to manufacturing some unique Yo-Yo's, and plan on having fun while doing it! Let's meet each member of the team!

Luke Hartnett: Hello! Just like each of my teammates, I am a senior in mechanical engineering! I'm from Boston, MA and as you can imagine, I enjoy watching and talking lots about Boston sports. I am also a huge superhero fan!

Naomi Dereje: Hey y'all! I too am a senior in mechanical engineering. I'm from Silver Spring, MD and I'm super excited for this class!

Sebastien (Seb) Wah: Hey! I’m from the Bay Area and excited to make some yo-yos! I’m studying mechanical engineering with a concentration in robotics. I’m into art, music and mechanical design!

Felipe Radovitzky: Hi! I'm a senior from the Boston area studying mechanical engineering with a focus in robotics. I'm really excited about 2.008 and I'm also really into cooking, foreign languages, and extreme sports!

Qiyun (Q) Gao: Good Morning! Me also Senior in mechE, majoring 2A6. Me from Qingdao, China. I'm very passionate about manufacturing and mech/electronic design. I'm into videography, drawing, cooking, cars, cats, outdoors, and building stuff like wood/metal/electronic works. Looking forwards to our yoyo making!


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